May 04, 2021

Autism Evaluations: Adults and Children

UCEBT is taking new clients for Autism evaluations to examine whether an individual meets criteria for ASD using evidence-based procedures, and also examines common rule-outs/co-occurring disorders such as ADHD, social anxiety, and/or OCD. For individuals age 6 through adulthood.

Our autism testing is not exclusively for children.

ADHD and ASD can be diagnosed in adulthood. Many adults may be experiencing chronic difficulties with meeting job expectations, organizing tasks, completing household chores, engaging in daily living activities, remembering obligations, and forming/maintaining healthy relationships. Often adult clients come to us with prior diagnoses of mood, anxiety, or personality problems, and are frustrated that previous treatments have been unsuccessful in helping them meet their goals.

Through assessment, we can determine whether there may be evidence for a missed ADHD or Autism diagnosis that accounts for pervasive lifelong problems.

Read more about Autism Testing for children and adults at UCEBT.